Southland War Memorials' Database

The Southland War Memorials' Database has been compiled by Venture Southland with funding support from the Southland Rural Heritage Trust and the Lottery Grants Board (Department of Internal Affairs). The database brings together information on more than 400 war memorials and honour boards across Southland, and represents the first comprehensive regional listings of war memorials and war dead.

Links will also be provided to entries on each soldier on the Kia Mate Toa Southland Soldiers' Database, the Auckland War Memorial Museum's Cenotaph Database and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission's website.

The information on this database will be progressively expanded to incorporate information on the Southland dead from all wars commemorated on memorials and honour boards across the region. The database will also enable local communities to discover the identities and stories behind the names on their local memorials, so that on each ANZAC Day 'we will remember them'.

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